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AEECL The Lemur Conservation Association10 th Februaly 2019We are pleased to enclose a certificate displaying your membership donation for 2018.Our work through 2018 has successfully highlighted the strengthening relationship between the AEECL and the local communities as villagers and AEECL staff joined forces again to carry out vital activities as part of the 2018 work plan.Same examples of these vital activities are the creation and maintenance of further firebreaks around the forest and fantastic work to level and grade what is often an impassable road, allowing vehicles to travel into the villages. This improvement in infrastructure was critical in 2018 to assist with the construction of…


1st March 2018Gary Batters, President The Lemur Conservation AssociationWe are pleased to enclose a certificate displaing your membership donation for 2017. As always, your continued support for the AEECL and the work we do is very much appreciated. 2017 was a progressive year for the AEECL. We completed another school build in the village of Ambinda and were delighted to receive another sizeable donation to start on the construction of another new school in a neighbouring village in 2018. The Ecotourism programme continued to develop well with another three tourist groups visiting the camp and the feedbackfrom these visitors has been positive. The chance to include the local…

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listopad–únor: 9.00–17.00  (pokl. do 16:30)

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Zoologická a botanická zahrada (Zoo):

dospělí:220 Kč
děti, studenti, senioři:      160
rodiny (2+2):                      720

Zoo + DinoPark (pouze duben–říjen):

dospělí:390 Kč
děti a studenti:290 Kč
rodiny (2+2):                      1270 

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